Find your inner compass
Personal Coaching & Group Work
Transformational Events, Community Building, Mindset, Consciousness, Communication & Mediation
Personal Coaching & Group Work
Transformational Events, Community Building, Mindset, Consciousness, Communication & Mediation
Many of us are faced with disrupted lives and transitions we weren't expecting a few years ago.
How we orient to change and the unknown is the difference between surfing these waves with purpose, connectedness, and amazing new opportunities, or waking up each morning feeling depressed, alone, and lost with how out of control everything is.
More than ever we need to come into ourselves and truly navigate from our inner compass with strength, confidence and trust in ourself and what we know deep down is right and wrong for us and our loved ones.
More than ever we need support and community. Support in navigating the conscious and unconscious currents of our own inner landscape; our relationship dynamics with friends, family and coworkers; as well as larger group, team and community dynamics.
What we don't need anymore is an "all knowing teacher" or authority saying they know what we need more than we do, since the age of the guru model has passed. Nor do we need to do it alone, however.
In this unique time what's invaluable is to have clear sounding boards to help sort through ingrained patterns and ways of thinking, to see new pathways and possibilities. Someone, or a tribe of someones, with whom we can feel seen and heard, as well as prompted and challenged to let go of things that no longer serve us, and to open to other opportunities/situations/people that do. I encourage you to create that community around you. If you need assistance in doing that, I'm here.
For those in the Nashville, Tennessee area check out the various tabs on this website for local community building and deep-dive events. For those in other parts of the world Zoom is a surprisingly good alternative for one-on-one and other group work sessions.
I'd be honored to support you on your journey!
"I've changed more in the last month working with Ryan than what previously would have taken a year."
"The unique way Ryan guided me to see my communication blind spots and self-defeating beliefs is absolutely the reason I'm now engaged to the love of my life! I highly recommend him to anyone wanting to live a fuller life!"
I specialize in supporting the:
After serving coaching clients in 22 different countries, spending thousands of hours in meditation exploring my own internal landscapes, another thousand or so hours in group work, and a bunch of other out of the box adventures I've come to some conclusions about being human. When we can be our most natural selves, make peace with our bodies, and relax and let go of the negative stories and beliefs about ourselves we've picked up along the way, our lives can be filled with joy, love, a deep sense of connectedness, and an elegant synchronistic flow.
To this end I offer :
Deep exploratory conversation session work, meditative awareness practices, transformational breathwork, embodied movement, and free-form dance are some of my favorite modalities for exploring the inner and outer landscapes, whether in one-to-one or group settings...
"It's clear he's 'done the work' and intuits from a place of wisdom and love. He feels into what is necessary to explore, and compassionately meets you where you need to be met."
G.P., South Africa
"Ryan has such a deep presence & ability to hold space for everyone in the room. His attention to the subtle needs of the group & of individuals had me feeling embraced, acknowledged & safe. My experience of the event would have been very different without him."
T.B., Canada
Are you:
Each session is slightly different depending on what you're wanting to explore, as well as what presents in real-time in each session. Given the state of the world...
Are you:
The subtleties and complexities of group communication is some of my favorite terrain to explore. These can be the most sublime experiences a person can have, or the most utterly frustrating. Such a tiny fraction of what is communicated is perceivable...
Are you:
Bringing people together to practice compassionate human-ing, and functional, effective, authentic communication is a VERY underdeveloped skill on our planet...
"Ryan is clear, focused and easy to talk to. The space he holds is so expansive, I feel like I can expand to fill the space he creates. I find ideas, and inspirations I couldn't see before. I connect to my emotions and hidden depths with such ease & clarity it surprises me."
"Ryan brings powerful presence, humor and kindness to his sessions.
Energetically, he co-creates a beautiful deepening into awareness."
G.P., South Africa
I've been passionate about people, what makes us all tick, and our vast potential for as long as I can remember.
For the last 20+ years I've been exploring and working in transpersonal, self-development, authentic communication, group process and decision making arenas as a curious student, Mindset & Communication Coach, Transformational Workshop Leader, Group Facilitator, and Explorer of Life.
After I received my degree in Psychology, I spent the next decade traveling and exploring within personal development, mystic, non-duality, and religious (Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish) communities around the globe, looking past the dogma and connecting to the common thread that weaves through them all. During many of these years, 4 1/2 of which were spent living in the countryside of India...
Wowwwwwe wow wow! What an amazing event! So incredible! I felt heart walls MOVE!
M.D., Nashville USA
As a highly sensitive woman I choose my learning environments wisely. Ryan's transparency and humility supported my experience in a way that allowed me to settle down internally and be present in the room with others.
T.B., Canada
Ryan is a gifted breathwork facilitator. The way he holds the container- it's so safe and I love how he gave us full permission to completely trust our bodies. The opening circle, the music, the closing circle and the care that he took to follow-up afterwards just set the whole experience apart.
K.T., Nashville USA
Ryan has a true gift in being present, reflective and shining light into the dark crevices of the unconscious. Through his clarity he helped me see areas where I had limiting beliefs about what was possible for me and how I wanted to create my reality.
Something happened from my session with Ryan and there on. I have come back into my own and feel I can face what’s in front of me.
I highly recommend his work for anyone who wants to integrate who they know themselves to be into their physical, everyday life.
What I appreciated most with Ryan is that he keeps it simple. He explains complex ideas through analogies and links them back to my situation. This is what I have been looking for!
S.M., Dubai UAE
I highly appreciate the fact that Ryan completely understands my questions and can answer with a lot of subtlety. I find that level of intelligence and capacity to express one self rare, and so very valuable.
L.M., France
I experience a huge feeling of clarity, openness, and connectedness when working with Ryan. It feels amazing and the lessons, thoughts and experiences during the sessions are carrying through my daily life so far.
It is funny how fast it is: sometimes I say something, Ryan say 2 sentences and already my energy has shifted into something else. Very powerful stuff.
L.M., France
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